Response rate: 63 returned of 95 sent (66%)
Thanks to all 63 of you for your time and feedback, it is greatly appreciated!
Each survey question number (Q1, Q2, etc.) & summary of the question is in the title of each chart. The blue paragraphs represent the resultant actions to be taken.
Action: Immediate change. We will shoot a FT on the first occurrence of a defensive foul when the result would have been the 15th point. On the second occurrence of a defensive foul by that same team we will award the 15th & winning point. Both teams will have the right to thisone 15th point foul/FT exception. If the FT is missed, the game continues at the score prior to the foul with the offensive team in possession of the ball. Our Rules of Play document (on our website) will be updated accordingly. One cavet: should this change lead to increased fouling late in the game & hence lengthens our games, the Board reserves the right to revisit this change and revert back to awarding the 15th point like today.
Q2 Comments:
Players do play with other players of their own ability. Perhaps not all of the time but a lot of the time. Natural selection works.
I think that keeping it simple works best. I would classify myself as a B player, but on a good day I can play as well as some A's and on a bad day, worse than most of the C's.
Some players need to know when to "play down" Don't feel that we have enough players to yield A-C categories.
I really enjoy playing with the variety of players each game and adjusting accordingly.
While I can see the value in segregating players based on perceived performance, the talent levels on each team generally even out. The number of blowout games due to uneven talent levels seems to be very small, in my experience.
Action: None. The Board will no longer spend time discussing the pros/cons of this concept.
Action: None now. However, this does tell us that this concept could be a viable solution to busy Sundays in Jan – Mar. Hence, the Board will consider this next fall/winter. Plus having the Leesburg Rec Center available on Sunday will also be considered to ‘load-level’ our Sundays.
Q4 Comments:
Tuesday and Thursdays at First Baptist is just right for me. (I live eight miles away from First Baptist.) I prefer to attend church services on Sundays.
It costs $20 per year per person! (Editorial note: Or $2/visit to Leesburg, the same as Oxford)
Have Lonnie sell off his BMW collection and build us a gym
I will try Leesburg this winter.
Tuesday and Thursday in Leesburg would be great. What if we had two different sessions at Oxford just like the HS sessions?
As I work during the week I've never played at Leesburg. From what I've heard it sounds like a good facility.
Action: This confirms our current Leesburg use strategy to help ‘load-level’ our other facilities. That strategy is to keep Leesburg for Wed & Fri, particularly in the busy months, & as backup to the HS on Sundays (for which we recently negotiated access & successfully started on 5/27). The Board will consider expanding our deal to include the busy Sundays of next winter to offset the high school crowd if the upcoming summer Sunday sessions go well. It is realized that this gym option is not ideally located for some of our members (as witnessed by the 39% above). However any ‘load-leveling’ relief via a quality facility is welcome as we don’t have many gym options.
Q5 Comments:
A big party every year at Lonnie's house.
I have other interest and functions so as long as there isn't a conflict, I would participate.
Have a league. (Editorial note: lack of facilities limits a league to evenings & a quick informal poll told us that not enough players were interested in evening play).
Attend a NBA game.
We had one golf outing but could have additional ones in the future.
Happy hour at non Villages venues.
Let's not forget the breakfasts after play also.
Action: Continue on the same path. Get the summer happy hours planned & dates announced.
Action: No more effort expended on this idea as a Club sponsored event.
Q7 Comments:
I think we should have Sunday BBall later to encourage church attendance. Thanks to all you guys - I know it is difficult to please everyone, but I appreciate you taking a leadership position.
Cannot thank the board enough for setting up the basketball club. Great Job!
Play 24/7, highly interested in playing at night as well
I like the way the club is progressing.
Player safety should be stressed at all times and repeated every year!
You guys are doing a great job!
Actions: Maintain the current prioritories of the club, which are: 1) continue to find ways to reinforce the safety issue & 2) expanding our gym time/playing time during the busy season.
Action: None right now. However, this does need to be factored into future decision making. Why? Typically the more permanent the membership the greater the ownership/involvment/importance of the club is to its members. We are more permanent then we had thought; as 85% own here & have brought into The Villages concept, 55% are here much of the year & 85% are here 4+ months annually & probably some would like to be here longer except for family, homes on the market, etc.
Action: None right now. However, as in Q8 above, this speaks to members being involved & receiving some type of personal fulfillment from the Club, or they wouldn’t attend to this degree. The combination of Q8 & Q9 tells us that the club performance is important to the majority of the members & that they receive value/enjoyment from it. Hence, daily club operations & future initiatives need to be evaluated within the context of these perspectives.